
Good intentions and an open mind is the approach I take on my days and my art practice. My art practice molds me into an an observer, an explorer and it keeps my curiosity high. Curious about not only different mediums and materials but about our everyday relationships. Our connection to the living world, and the environments that we create for ourselves wether they be physically or emotionally. Memories of people from my past and in my present can spark imagery and inspire fresh idea’s.

Along with relationships, nature is also a significant component in my work. Getting outdoors is grounding, refreshing and brings to me a higher level of focus when I return back to the studio.

It is the upmost compliment when one takes interest in my work. I have always been a passionate advocate for supporting small business/artists. Over the years, I have collected a great amount of art from local artists. Their work adds value, personality and their stories to my home.

For me, it is an honor to have ones passion and skill displayed on my walls. It is a way of spreading kindness, a way to take time to admire and appreciate a creation. Art generates interest and insight that goes beyond your home and into your community. Artists want to add worth to a community. Often times our favorite places in our town, we’ll find there is a mural, sculpture, unique architecture and or mosaic work near by.

I hope my work can be seen in the same way in your home and you feel all the love poured into every illustration and print.

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